Mobile Application Devlopment

Mobile Application Devlopment

How to get started???

What is Android Devlopment???

  • Android Devlopment is the field where devloper designs the software and application which work for the android devices and google play store. More than 70% of people used Android operating system, that's why there is so much market value of the Android Devlopers.

  • There are different application such as Mobile apps, Desktop apps, Web apps and many more.

Starting with Mobile App Devlopment

  • In the field of Devlopment, the most necessary thing is programming language. In case of Mobile App Devlopment, There are two main languages to learn which is Java or Kotlin. But learning Kotlin is a good start because Google declare Kotlin as the main language of Android Devlopment.

  • After learning the programming language, one should take a step ahead by understanding the basic concepts of android platform such as configuration of app, testing, components of app and more.

  • Moving further, get familiar with the Android Tools which are used in Devlopment. The most used IDE(Integrated Devlopment Environment) is Android Studio. Android studio is provides the environment where the devloper can make apps by designing the UI(User Interface) in XML(Extensible Markup Language) and Backend with Java or Kotlin.

  • After getting familiar with the Android tools, concepts and platform, Get started building small project. Learn new things by Implementing new things.
